My Progress!

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2 lbs.

Two pounds lost. I lost two more pounds today. I actually weighed myself today after a week of avoiding the scale because of all the restaurant going, etc. I was afraid of the scale.

But I'd lost weight, and I felt a real sense of accomplishment. I have to buckle down even more and control my food intake because 2 pounds a week isn't quite good enough.

But still, progress!

SW: 153
CW: 146
GW (for now): 135

Monday, January 30, 2012


Most women
live their lives
in a state of starvation.

(Whether it be emotional, romantic, financial.)

Or because of lack of food.

What starvations have I already subjected myself to?

Why should I be any different?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The trouble is...

So, I just moved into a new apartment. This is creating a serious stumbling block in my path to be a skinny girl.

Here's the problem. The problem is, there's no way to really control what I eat as much as I want right now. I'm basically in between fridges, and eating out more than I should. I really try to control what I'm eating when I eat out, but it's not an ideal situation.

Once I move into my apartment for good, things will be more under control and I'm going to start filming myself eating, taking pictures of my food and my body, and really logging what I'm doing in order to become a different person.

I'm also posting one motivating slogan a day.
Today's: Quod me nutrit, me destruit. (What nourishes me also destroys me.)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My weight loss icon...

Kiera Knightley, to me, has the perfect body.

Everything, from her incredibly toned arms to her tiny waist, represent what I want to look like.

Right now I don't look anything like her, of course. I have got to be at least forty or fifty pounds heavier than she is.

Now, actually, is a good time to state my "before" measurements:

148 lbs (GROSS)
36", 28", 41" (YES. I said 41" hips!!)

In order to "tame" my body to look like hers, I have to totally change the way I eat, work out, and even think. I have to change my whole identity.

But I can do it, because I believe in the power of mind over matter! In fact, I believe anyone can do what they want to do, as long as they put their mind to it...

and they want it badly enough.

A Journey Begins

Today, I start a serious journey of improving myself. In order to achieve perfection, I have to log everything I eat. I have to exercise. I have to tell myself that I can do it. I AM more than this fat. The fat does not define me. I need to look on the outside like I feel on the inside: invincible and beautiful. So here I go!